Philip - That Is The Question...

Acts 8:31 And he said, How can I, except some man should guide me?

In Matthew 28, Jesus commissions the believer with earth's ultimate purpose:  evangelism and discipleship.  Churches today recognize these final words under the label "The Great Commission."  Yet we are hard pressed to discover an individual, much less a church that is actively pursuing the evangelism and discipleship of their community.  We focus greatly on building our buildings,  maintaining our small groups, cultivating "relationships," and doing our good deed humanitarian events that we have forgotten why we are still here.  If salvation's purpose was solely religious relationships,  don't you think we would have been raptured after salvation?

Friend, I don't have a deep insight to present you with this evening.  All I can do is draw your attention to the Scripture and let it speak for itself.  How will people come to the knowledge of the Savior unless someone guides them?  Do we honestly believe that leaving that tract on the table completes our spiritual duty for the day?  If we recognized the horrors of hell and the joys of heaven, with how many more people would we share the gospel? If the church honestly believed the soon return of the Lord that is so often preached,  what individuals would we take time to conversate with, rather than avoid eye contact as we pass by?  Is it a Sunday faith or a life saturating faith?

By evaluating ourself by questions such as these, we can accurately asses our spiritual depth.  The world is sending a wake up call to Christians as she pleadingly inquires "How can I, except someone should guide me?"  The question stands,  and the answer lies in your hands, neighbor.  The Lord is returning soon.  Souls perish each moment and slip into eternity.   Our lives are as a vapor which appears for a little time and vanishes away.  What are you doing with your vapor?  Are you making it count?  Will your life have an eternal impact or simply rely on earthly investments?  Stop praying for opportunities to witness, and start taking the ones already in your path.

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