I Am Batman - Do

This week I'm going to kick this blog off with the quote, but I want you to be ready....Relax for a second and bear with me,  because the super spiritual will be tempted to turn me off after reading this quote.  Ready?

"It's not who YOU are underneath -  it's what you do that defines you."

Ok ok,  if you are like me,  your mind probably went right to the verse "man looks on the outward appearance, but God looks on the heart."  You are so right,  and I am so glad that we serve a God who knows the thoughts and intents of our hearts.  I think this quote from Batman Begins has a different, deeper meaning that we might miss if we do not dig a little bit.

Matthew chapter 7 gives us some great insight into a true believer's life.  Start reading in about verse 15 and you will see that a tree can be identified by its fruit.  ASTOUNDING!  I know...   If you walk through an apple orchard,  the type of the tree is easily identified by the fruit that it bears.  There is absolutely no question as to whether the trees you walk by are apple trees, because they produce apples. As simple and common sense as this sounds,  our culture seems to take an opposite approach when labeling people.

People,  children on up through adults,  escape penalty of crime every single day because we try not to judge people by their actions.  In our attempt to be fair we allow the most uncoordinated kid on the basketball court because underneath they might believe they are the world's best basketball player.  If you watch American Idol for more than two minutes you will get to hear individuals attempt to display their "vocal talent"  truly believing they have a chance...because underneath they WANT to be a famous musician.  I'm sorry,  but if you can't make a goal, or dribble the ball down the court, YOU ARE NOT A BASKETBALL PLAYER.  Dear American public,  if your friend/relative cannot carry a tune,  TELL THEM SO before they publicly humiliate themselves on national television.  I'm sure that underneath you truly believe you possess that amazing ability,  but what you DO clearly displays that you are not who you think you are.

This passage seems to speak to Christians...pretty much, we are all trees.  (Weird analogy I know...dont tell me...tell Jesus.)  We expect that as the world walks through our church orchards that they could easily identify and taste what we so desperately long to produce.  Yes, you are a tree inside and out, but what defines you to the world is what you produce.  How will the world know how amazing Jesus is?  By tasting and seeing! (psalm 34:8)   You may be a strong Christian tree underneath,  but it is what you DO that defines you.    Challenge:  Go do something for God today, so that the world might taste and see that the Lord is good.

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