Logline Day 4: Forgiveness

            One day Brian’s mom said, “Brian, go clean your room.”  Being just like every normal guy, he “cleaned” by throwing stuff in his closet, under his bed, and behind his door.  This version of “cleaning” was not exactly what his mom had in mind, but at least you could see the floor!  Not too much time passes, and Brian’s mom decides to check up on the work her son has done.  Like every good mom, she checked all the normal places, and upon finding the clothes she wanted put AWAY, she calls out to Brian. . . This time Brian doesn’t hear the sweet and gentle voice of his mother saying, “Brian, please go clean your room.”  Instead, he hears something that sends chills up his spine. He knows something is wrong when he hears “BRIAN THOMAS JONES…..”  The same goes for every kid!  When we hear our first, middle, AND last name, we KNOW something is wrong.

            Jesus’ earthly ministry is now coming to a close.  He is not going to be present to micromanage the ministries of his disciples like he has for the past three years.  He has given his disciples a simple assignment: be fishers of MEN, but now that Jesus is gone we hear Peter say, “I’m going fishing.”  He is going right back the life that Jesus called him out of.  It could be he was feeling sorry for himself for denying Jesus those three times.  He was allowing guilt and sin to control his life.  In verse seven, Jesus calls out and they recognize his voice.  Peter puts on his fisher’s coat. He is putting on his old logline, identifying himself as just a regular fisherman and without the faith to walk on water again, he swims to the Lord.  As Jesus begins to address Peter, he doesn’t use his new name.  He says, SIMON SON OF JONAS, do you love me?  Peter, had to give his guilt over to the Lord and allow him to rewrite his logline once again.

            We have an awesome God who gives us chance after chance after chance.  We have undoubtedly majorly messed up at some point in our lives, or even today, but God will rewrite that logline for you again if you will let him.  Don’t let the guilt of past mistakes dictate every decision you make.  God has given you a calling; so don’t go back to that old lifestyle just because you mess up.  Let God take your guilt and give you grace to go on!  The Bible says, “if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to FORGIVE us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”  Life comes at you fast, and you WILL mess up.  That doesn’t mean you need to quit.  Will you let God rewrite your logline again today?

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