Logline Day 5: The Gift of Change

George Mueller, the director of an orphanage awoke to realize that there was no bread or milk available for food that day.  He instructed his wife to set the table for all the children just like always.  He began to pray and beg God to provide for these needy children.  Not long after, a knock at the door came.  A woman said, “Mr. Mueller, I don’t know why but God woke me up at 3 A.M. this morning and told me to bake all this bread for you.”  George began once again to pray for God’s providence.  In less than an hour, the milk-man knocked on the door and said, “Sir,  my truck is broke down and if I don’t unload all this milk it will go to waste.  Could you use it?”  God knew in advance EXACTLY what George Mueller needed.  All he had to do was accept the gift.

In Luke chapter nineteen we find a despicable man by the name of Zacchaeus.  The public logline of his story was one of theft and dishonesty.  Though he was high ranking in status, he was found short in not only stature and character.  Because of his height he would be unable to see Jesus pass through the city.  So he climbed up in a Sycamore tree.  The city that Zacchaeus lived in was called “Jericho” which in Hebrew means “city of palms.”  But, as we examine scripture we find a SYCAMORE tree!  WHY a sycamore tree in the city of palms?  The answer:  One day God planted that tree KNOWING that a man would need it to find Jesus.  Sycamore trees have heart shaped leaves showing the love of God.  They have low, accessible branches demonstrating the accessibility of God’s grace.  They are known for continual budding revealing God’s abundant grace.  The species of the tree was made specifically to suit the seeker of the tree.  God knows exactly what it will take to help you rewrite your logline!

Do you find yourself, like Zacchaeus, in need of a change?  You know in your heart something needs to be different, but you just don’t know what it is.  GOD KNOWS.  In the tree of your hidden despair, HE SEES YOU and HE KNOWS YOU! The only way you will find an answer to life’s questions is to look for one!  Maybe it seems you can’t see God where you are at in your life right now.  Well, God has provided a tree that you can climb to find him no matter where you are.  This tree, is his Word.  Because Zacchaeus looked for Jesus, the entire course of his life was changed.  His logline went from one of greed to one of restitution and generosity.  God ONLY has the best for you.  Today, Jesus wants to help you change.  Will you let him?

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