Christian Name Droppers

I've done it.  You've done it.  We've ALL done it.  -  I'll give you a few examples,  and you tell me if you can figure out which ones you've done or seen.

1.  @SportsStar is one of my best friends.  He once wrote a note that said "John, have a great summer."  #BFF 

2.  Ehh...not doing much today.  Just going to hang with my bud, Paul Popular Pants, so he can tell me how awesome I am.

3.  (Post Pic)  Yeah I went to Super Popular Group's concert tonight and they asked me for a pic.  It's been soooo long since we've been able to connect!  

4.  RT:  You did a fantastic job tonight!  You're just so awesome!  // THANKS!  

5.  @FamousPastorWhoNeverReplies  Yes, I totally agree with you, friend! 

No one likes a  Name-dropper.  And even worse,  CHRISTIAN name droppers!  They come in all shapes and sizes,  and they drop names like they get paid to do it.  It's a hobby rooted in pride and comes from a desire to feel important, or at least appear important to someone within eye-shot or social media follow distance.  The more names I drop,  the more "awesome by association" I appear.

We fall into the pit of self-importance, that our pride overpowers our ability to think rationally.  As embarrassing as it may be to read your own stuff, go back and look at the times you name dropped.  I'd guarantee it was tied to a self-driven desire to boost your personal image.  It is an attempt to make your name larger than it is by building off another name greater than your own.  Unfortunately, this is an epidemic that extends even into ministries and music industries.  Why do you think people do this continually?

Name Dropping is a major indicator of personal insecurity!  When my relationship with God is strong, I'm free to find my identity in him! I can put my energy into glorifying God, rather than seek the approval of others.  If someone's approval is conditional to my name's connection with another,  the foundation is little more than shifting sand.  I do no need other's approval, as I have already been approved by the creator of the universe.  

Isn't that liberating?  To know that my image in the eyes of the Father is the only one that matters.  Do you not find freedom in the realization that other's perception has no eternal value?  To those who might over-spiritualize this concept,  no, you don't have to hashtag #God into everything you say and do.  God doesn't read your status updates, so stop trying to write to Him for the benefit of those around you.  That only makes you look like the pharisee who prayed "Thank you Lord that I'm not like this other man...."  #FAVAAA (fey-vor)  God isn't just another name to be dropped.  He is THE NAME to be exalted.

Be YOU through Him, and in Him.  Stop trying to be who you think you are through the power of others.  Check your pride,  and let God be your publicity agent.  I promise He can do a better job than you.

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