Don't Put God First

From Sunday School songs to the church lady's gentle reminders, the JOY acrostic was drilled into this young brain.  Jesus, Others, & You, as the song says, "what a wonderful way to spell JOY."  If you wanted to have true joy, you would put Jesus first in each day,  spend time doing for others, then whatever time is left over, you can use for yourself.  This checklist mentality permeated my life for many years, and as a "detail-list" sort of guy it fit my personality quite well.  

Wake up, read your Bible and pray first thing.  Go to church on Sundays, the FIRST day of the week!  Give to Jesus the FIRST 10th of what you receive.  This first thing is working out well.  I mean, now I can move on to the "others" part! CHECK!

  At least once a day, I would let someone pull out in front of me in traffic, or maybe cut in line at Wal-Mart (if they had fewer items than me...I mean, let's not get crazy.)  Offer someone a mint, hold the door for those behind me, pay it forward in the drive through at Taco Bell.  Others...CHECK!

Now, my favorite part of the day:  Me time.  I did my Jesus time early on, and then spent hours of cumulative time serving others,  and now it's all about me.  What a wonderful way to spell joy after all!  I checked off Jesus from my list early.  Of course that soothed my conscience because the pastor is going to ask if I read my Bible and pray.  I did society some favors today.  It's the least I could do,  after all I am a really great person,  and helping others makes me feel good.  Doing things for me REALLY makes me feel good...and that's what Joy is all about...feeling good. And YOU could feel good too, if you would put Jesus FIRST!  Then do everything else on your list after him.  

One day, while I was reading my Bible (first thing)  I came across these verses that struck a chord with me. 
-  ...that in all things he might have the preeminence. (Colossians 1:18 KJV)
- Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God. (1Corinthians 10:31KJV)

As I read, I was convicted of the fact that Jesus does not want to be first in my life,  he wants to be in EVERYTHING.  He wants to be glorified in every aspect of my daily activities.  We quote it often,  "I can do all things through Christ...."  But how many of our daily routines are truly exercised in and through Christ's power?  When I check Jesus off my list for the day, my relationship with him becomes little more than routine.  But,  when I include him in every part of my day,  I find true joy.  

My acts of service to Jesus and Others were, in fact, self-centered.  Sure, I got the "feel-good" for a while, but there was no sense of satisfaction.  Why? Because all I had was a checklist.  God wants every part of my day to reflect his image.  My family time should point toward God.  My acts of service should be focused on God.  My time spent alone should bring glory to God.  I'm done putting God first.  From now on, I'm involving him in everything.  

1 comment:

  1. If christians would adapt this message to their everyday lives, they would find themselves 'complete' IN HIM rather than still seeking to 'fulfill' their man made obligation to keep Jesus first. Great Article!
