Video Challenge Day 2: KNOW IT!

Recap:  Man has realized his spiritual need for God’s chisel, and goes to God in prayer.

Man:  “Mold me into the image of your Son so that I can be your masterpiece.”
[God appears]
God: "Hi."
Man:  “Whoa!  Who are you?”
God:  “I’m God.”
Man:  “No you’re not!”
God:  “Yeah, you just said the prayer, so here I am.  That’s how it works.”
Man:  “Ok. Ok. If you’re God….then make it snow in here….”

In John 14:13-14, Jesus says that WHATEVER we ask in his name, that he will do that the Father may be glorified in the Son. Again, in Matthew 7:7 we are reminded, “Ask, and it shall be given, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened.”  To God, prayer is a pretty important thing!  In fact, it is so significant to God that he mentioned the concept of prayer well over 500 times in His Word.  Our Heavenly Father so desires a relationship with us that he has given us the opportunity to boldly walk before the throne! Yet, how often do we ignore that privilege, or attempt to use it for our own personal gain?  Why do we do this?  Because we do not actually believe God will do what he says he will do.

I’m reminded of John 20 where we find Mary at the tomb of a risen Savior.  For the past three years, Christ has prepared their hearts, and reminded them of the prophecy that he would in fact die, and he would definitely rise again.  But, at the first sign of trouble, his words of encouragement instantly vanished from their memories.  Here on the third day, Mary is questioning a man who appears to be a gardener about the location of her Lord’s body. Then, when he speaks her name, it suddenly clicks. THIS IS JESUS!

How often are we like Mary?  We find ourselves in despair and through sheer habit, we vainly call on God to fix the problem.  Then, as if He’s never done this before – He shows up!  How sad, that just like the video, and just like scripture passage, when God shows up, we don’t even recognize him.  We are so unfamiliar with him that we ask him for stupid signs. So, how do we maintain heaven’s perspective on our problems?  We must KNOW His Word.  To know is to believe, and to act upon. Recognize it. Remember it. Realize it is Him, so you can Reuse it every time.  Never allow the noise of this world to cause you to forget the voice of God.  If you truly know what God’s voice sounds like, you will never make a wrong decision.

Challenge:  Know God’s voice, because you have lived in it. 

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